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Neuro Doc

Neurologist & Epilepsy Specialist located in FL, serving patients from Jacksonville, Orlando, Destin, & The Greater Florida Area.

Seizures are random, unexpected, and in some cases, frightening. And that means they have a big impact on your overall well-being, leading to problems like ongoing anxiety and difficulty sleeping. Omar Moore, MD, at NeuroDoc in Miramar Beach, Florida, offers expertise in seizures and epilepsy and provides customized and compassionate care through telehealth. To receive treatment and support for seizures from the comfort of your home, call or request an appointment online today.


Seizure Q & A

What are seizures?


A seizure is a sudden surge in the brain’s electrical activity. Neurons in your brain normally generate electrical impulses to communicate with one another. When you have a seizure, the electrical impulses begin to synchronize, and all fire at the. same time.  When large groups of brain cells all fire a the same time this can manifest as clinical seizure activity.

The change in your brain is temporary. While it lasts, however, it causes a wide range of symptoms that affect your movements, senses, and behaviors.


How do seizures differ from epilepsy?


Having a seizure doesn’t mean you have epilepsy; an underlying medical condition usually triggers random seizures. Epilepsy is defined as  having two or more seizures that aren’t explained by a health problem.


What causes seizures?

Nonepileptic seizures may occur due to many health conditions. A few examples include:

  • Acute onset of stroke

  • High fever

  • Low or high blood sugar

  • Shortly after incurring a traumatic brain injury

  • Abnormalities of electrolytes (i.e. sodium, calcium, or magnesium)

  • Central nervous system infection

  • Certain medications

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Convulsion after syncopal episode

  • Inflammatory brain condition

Lack of sleep, flashing lights, and alcohol or drug abuse can also trigger a seizure. 


Are there different types of seizures?


The symptoms you experience depend on whether you have a generalized seizure or a focal seizure: 


Generalized seizures


A generalized seizure is when abnormal electrical begins deep from within your brain, then rapidly spreads to both sides of your brain. There are several types of generalized seizures:

  • Tonic-clonic - you lose consciousness, muscles stiffen, and have jerking movements 

  • Absence - you blank out or have a staring spell

  • Atonic - part or all of your body goes limp


Focal seizures


A focal seizure is when abnormal electrical activity in the brain starts and stays in one particular region of the brain and has little spread to other symptoms occur during a seizure?

Though the region of brain affected with abnormal electrical activity determines your specific symptoms, you may experience one or more muscle or non-muscle symptoms, such as:

  • Rhythmic, jerking movements

  • Weak or limp muscles

  • Tense or rigid muscles

  • Brief muscle twitches

  • Whole-body spasms

  • Repetitive movements

  • Convulsions

  • Staring spell

  • Loss of consciousness or impaired consciousness

  • Vision changes (e.g., blurry vision, flashes of light)

  • Rapid heartbeat

  • Inability to hear or talk

  • Numbness or tingling

  • Abnormal smell or taste

  • Out-of-body sensations

These symptoms last a few seconds to several minutes. If your seizure lasts longer than five minutes, you should seek immediate medical treatment. 


How are seizures diagnosed?


The first step in diagnosing a seizure is reviewing your medical history, evaluating your symptoms, performing a neurological evaluation, and ordering diagnostic tests. Testing determines if you have an underlying seizure disorder, or if your seizure events are from some other medical condition.

NeuroDoc may order a range of tests, including blood work, an electroencephalogram (EEG), or an MRI scan. You may need additional specialized testing if you have an underlying condition that may be causing seizures. 

EEGs are the most important test for examining the electrical activity in your brain. You can do an EEG at home. NeuroDoc may refer you to have an at-home EEG complete.

For other lab tests, NeuroDoc refers you to a trusted local facility. Then, with your permission, the clinic sends the results to your provider at NeuroDoc. 


How are seizures treated?


The first line of treatment consists of medication that prevents seizures. NeuroDoc chooses from among many different antiepileptic medications, prescribing what works best for your seizure type, age, and any other underlying medical conditions.

Most people respond well to the first medication, but each antiepileptic medicine works differently, and each person uniquely metabolizes medications. If you don’t improve with the first choice, there are others that can help. NeuroDoc sends your prescription electronically directly to your preferred pharmacy.

If you still have seizures after trying several medications, NeuroDoc talks with you about other options. Some people respond well to a special diet, like a ketogenic diet. Others may need to consider vagus nerve stimulation or surgery. 

Your provider at NeuroDoc fully explains all your options so you can make an informed decision and guide your own care. 


To get ongoing care for seizures, please fill out an appointment request form with NeuroDoc.



Contact Us

3003 Claire Ln, Building 100

Jacksonville, FL 32223


Phone: (904) 204-6585

Fax:      (850) 390-7195

Hours of Operation

Mon - Fri:  9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat - Sun: Closed         

Veteran Owned and Operated

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